Episcopal Community Services Condemns the Grants Pass Decision

Today the Supreme Court issued a ruling that will have lasting impacts on our country’s homelessness crisis. The decision in the case of Johnson v. Grants Pass has effectively legitimized the criminalization of homelessness, thus punishing people for experiencing the most extreme levels of poverty. Episcopal Community Services (ECS) has advocated against this approach from…

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Give Them Shelter

Want to solve America’s urban homeless crisis? First, you have to believe it can be fixed. Anyone who has passed by the seemingly endless rows of hard-worn tents and makeshift shelters scattered under San Francisco’s bridges, beside its freeways, and along its sidewalks has probably struggled to imagine how our nation’s homeless crisis might be…

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One Way to Get People Off the Streets: Buy Hotels

For homeless people, a place to live is life changing to a degree that almost no other intervention can provide. SAN FRANCISCO — The inside of the van was lined with plastic. The driver was masked and ready to go. There was a seat for just one passenger. Gregory Sanchez eyed the setup warily. Mr.…

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San Francisco Interfaith Winter Shelter Returns for Its 31st Year

The low temperatures and wet weather of San Francisco’s winter months are dangerous for people experiencing homelessness, and particularly those who are unsheltered and vulnerable to exposure-related illnesses. Starting on November 24, 2019, Episcopal Community Services (ECS), in collaboration with partners the San Francisco Interfaith Council, Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, and San Francisco Night Ministry will once…

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ECS Focuses on Healthy Aging

ECS has long been one of San Francisco’s leading providers of interim and supportive housing and other services for seniors who are low-income and/or homeless (currently or formerly). In fact, this group comprises roughly one‐third of residents at ECS shelters and supportive housing sites. The Canon Kip Senior Center serves more than 1,400 seniors annually, providing…

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Adult Coordinated Entry: SF’s Gateway to Exiting Homelessness

Episcopal Community Services (ECS) operates San Francisco’s Adult Coordinated Entry (ACE) system, the gateway for people experiencing homelessness in the city to be matched with the services they need. ECS became the lead agency of ACE for the SF Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing in November 2018. This critical system was designed to provide…

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ECS Problem Solvers: Finding Creative, Personalized Solutions to Homelessness

By Josh Steinberger, Associate Manager of Problem Solving Episcopal Community Services’s (ECS) Problem Solvers take an innovative, highly personalized approach to help people experiencing homelessness find creative solutions and pathways to housing. As affordable and supportive housing are available to only a limited number of persons, particularly those with the greatest need, this division of…

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IPS: A Proven Solution for Employment in the Fight against Homelessness

By Beth StokesExecutive Director, Episcopal Community Services Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an evidence-based practice designed primarily to help people with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing. The model has also evolved to serve others, including transition‐aged youth, veterans, justice‐involved individuals, people receiving public benefits, and, significantly, people experiencing homelessness.…

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Navigation Centers Are a Key Element to Ending Homelessness

By Beth StokesExecutive Director, Episcopal Community Services Navigation Centers are a critical tool in the effort to end homelessness in San Francisco. They provide a low-barrier respite from the streets for a highly vulnerable population, in tandem with on-site case management, streamlined access to social services and medical care, and coordinated entry into pathways to…

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