In the News

Yes, You Can Vote If You Are Homeless

October 17, 2016
Billy Cunningham has been eligible to cast a ballot almost as long as he’s lived in San Francisco…The thing is, though: He hasn’t voted. Not even the chance to vote for America’s first black president could move him. Read Full Article

Restaurants finding workers among the disadvantaged

July 2, 2016

It takes just a few minutes with him to understand why Keith Corbin was appointed corporate kitchen manager at Locol, helping the company open its new Oakland restaurant a month ago. Read Full Article

How The Homeless Vote Could Impact This November’s Elections

June 29, 2016

“Last year was the first time that I voted in my life,” said Billy, a middle-age man who has spent the majority of his life in jail. “I have a current address, in an SRO, but I don’t really consider this permanent housing.” Read Full Article