Building Community.
Developing Skills.
Enriching Lives.

ECS is continuously humbled by the amazing support of our volunteers and donors. As a small gesture of our appreciation, we made a little video to say thanks.


Episcopal Community Services (ECS) has provided essential services to homeless San Franciscans since 1982, utilizing a holistic approach that addresses the multiple causes leading to homelessness. We serve more than 7,000 people a year, guided by our mission to help homeless and very low-income people every day and every night obtain the housing, jobs, shelter, and essential services each person needs to prevent and end homelessness.



with a new home and a fresh start

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices neque non purus hendrerit, ut dictum sem tincidunt. Vestibulum ac nisi massa. Curabitur nec suscipit lectus. Curabitur neque turpis, consectetur sed odio eget, sodales cursus mi. Donec ut blandit eros.”


lives his dream of being a chef

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices neque non purus hendrerit, ut dictum sem tincidunt. Vestibulum ac nisi massa. Curabitur nec suscipit lectus. Curabitur neque turpis, consectetur sed odio eget, sodales cursus mi. Donec ut blandit eros.”


receives the education she hoped for

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices neque non purus hendrerit, ut dictum sem tincidunt. Vestibulum ac nisi massa. Curabitur nec suscipit lectus. Curabitur neque turpis, consectetur sed odio eget, sodales cursus mi. Donec ut blandit eros.”


Read Our Stories

S.F. has more housing for the homeless than other big cities. So why are so many people on the streets?

March 11, 2025

“When compared to other jurisdictions, San Francisco reportedly has the highest percentage of shelter guests with severe mental illness or addiction. But shelter operators say…

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“All I need is a piano, a house, and a toaster oven.” Denny

August 29, 2017

In my early twenties, I had lived in New York for two years when a friend of mine invited me to go to San Francisco.…

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For those living on the streets in SF, pets often take priority

August 27, 2017

A slobbery tongue wagged out of the mouth of a German shepherd pitbull mix as she reached up to give her owner face kisses for…

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“It’s been 25 years of running away. Now I want to finish this.”

June 2, 2017

I’m 50 years old. Everything that has happened in my life until now is because I chose to do it. I can’t blame nobody but…

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View our other social media platforms to keep up with our events and stories.


ECS has been providing essential services to homeless San Franciscans since 1982, but our history begins much earlier.


Become a Partner

Sed semper, nisl id feugiat eleifend, erat est digssim felis, quis auctor elit enim nec ante. Cras et nibh risus. Pellentesque non mi sit amet mi intermentum.

Volunteer With Us

Sed semper, nisl id feugiat eleifend, erat est digssim felis, quis auctor elit enim nec ante. Cras et nibh risus. Pellentesque non mi sit amet mi intermentum.

Sed semper, nisl id feugiat eleifend, erat est digssim felis, quis auctor elit enim nec ante. Cras et nibh risus. Pellentesque non mi sit amet mi intermentum.