
Episcopal Community Services relies on the support of individual donors to help more than 13,000 of our neighbors experiencing homelessness in San Francisco  each year. Below are just a few of the ways you can help make an impact on low-income and homeless individuals and families in our community:

Gift of Cash
Donate online or mail your donation to:

Attn: Development Dept.
Episcopal Community Services
165 Eighth Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Every dollar you donate is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 94-3096716.

New! Include ECS in Your Estate Plans
Are you ready to make your plan? ECS has partnered with GivingDocs to offer a free suite of estate planning tools to our dedicated donors! Visit GivingDocs now.

Gifts of Securities
Reduce your tax on the gain of appreciated stocks and other securities by donating them to ECS. Contact Dena Stein, Senior Director of Development, at for current stock delivery instructions.

United Way/Combined Federal Campaign
Designate Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco as the recipient of your United Way donation; simply write our name and address on your pledge form. Federal employees and members of the military can designate ECS as their Combined Federal Campaign recipient of choice; our CFC charity number is 29073.

Matching Gift Programs at Work
Corporate matching gift programs give employees an opportunity to increase the impact of their gifts by doubling or even tripling their tax-deductible contributions. Please contact your Human Resources Department for details.

Gifts of Real Estate
A gift of real estate may enable you to avoid capital gains tax on your profit while you earn a tax deduction for the full market-value of the property.

Gifts of Life Insurance
You may make a gift to ECS by designating us as the beneficiary on your life-insurance policy.

Gifts-In Kind  

ECS is always in need of new,
in-package hygiene supplies and socks. At times, we can accept donations of gently used coats and other items. For a full list of the items we can accept, follow the link below:

GIK Policies and Procedures

Legacy Giving

A little planning now can accomplish a world of good for your loved ones and for your favorite charity.

Become a member of the Sanctuary Society.

A planned gift to ECS will provide direct support for programs that help more than 13,000 individuals and families experiencing homelessness and very low-income people each year. It can also benefit your heirs—and yourself—as you get older.

Planned giving is not just for the wealthy, but helps all of us prepare for our retirement and the ultimate allocation of our estate.

Giving Options:

  • Designate ECS as a beneficiary of your life insurance, IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) retirement plan
  • Bequeath a gift to ECS in your will or revocable trust
  • Purchase a life-income gift through a charitable gift annuity
  • Create a charitable remainder trust

If you would like for your planned gift to benefit a particular program at ECS, please talk to us first so we can advise you how to best direct your gift. Ask about plans that can increase your income during your lifetime while bypassing taxes—and without reducing what you pass on to your family.

For more information, contact:
Dena Stein, Senior Director of Development