Fighting Crime with Housing, Program Gives a Bed Before Criminal Trial

“The SoMa facility located at 226 Sixth St. will offer temporary lodging, along with mental health and job support, to people released from San Francisco jails. Run by Adult Probation, Episcopal Community Services and the Pretrial Diversion Project, the state-funded program will provide up to 30 beds for an initial trial period of one year.”…

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A new vision for emergency shelter services

“Today we issue a challenge to ourselves, our peers, and our community. We can create temporary and long-term housing that is human-centric. We can reduce the capacity of large scale shelters to provide a greater degree of more qualitative and individualized service, while simultaneously exploring creative mechanisms to site and fund new facilities within our…

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Marin County Hosting Public Meeting on Larkspur Homeless Housing Project

“The plan is to build between 43 and 50 units of “permanent supportive housing” for single adults experiencing homelessness in the county. In addition to housing, the site would feature a range of services including case management, mental health, educational and vocational programs. Episcopal Community Services will own the building, which sits near Corte Madera…

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Greenbrae building could become housing for homeless

“Marin County, in partnership with Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco, hopes to win approval from the state to use some of the next round of Project Homekey funds to purchase the property.” Read the full Marin Independent Journal article.

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SoMa supportive housing project on former federal property breaks ground

“In addition to housing and the Homeless Services Center, the development will also be equipped with a 6,000 square-foot commercial kitchen space for Episcopal Community Services’ Conquering Homelessness through Employment in Food Services, or CHEFS program. The 12-week program helps formerly homeless residents gain experience through hands-on training and paid internships at local restaurants.” Read…

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