Realizing Employment and Careers in Human Services
REACH (Realizing Employment And Careers in Human services) is a 9-week training program designed to prepare participants with lived experience of homelessness and other significant barriers to employment for entry-level employment in the social and human services sectors.
REACH students spend 6 weeks in classroom training and 3 weeks in on-the-job shadows with ECS staff. They earn their verbal crisis intervention certificate from Crisis Prevention Institute as well as their CPR/First Aide certification. The final phase of the program is the job search phase, with the goal to secure permanent employment. The program offers opportunities to earn a weekly stipend while gaining valuable skills that are applicable to all jobseekers within the social and human services fields.
Who is qualified to become a REACH student?
Individuals qualify if they live:
• On the street
• In a shelter
• In transitional housing
• In a residential treatment program
• In a supportive housing building
• Meet HUD (Housing and Urban Development) definition of extreme low income
• Are committed to finding employment in the social and/or human services sector after program completion!
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